forgetting model 3
Its all about time!
Robotics, Vision, Learning.
Its all about time!
When I interview many people for their basic understanding of convolutional neural network, people are always simplify this into a single convolution kernel run through the sliding window. However, few of them can really recall what’s going on inside the actual machine. Here’s a tutorial to recap your crashing course again and then we will dive into the sparse convolution.
Torch_Points3D is a modern library for 3D Vision Learning on point cloud data. It includes built-in implementation of many tasks (e.g. semantic segmentation, panoptic segmentation, 3D object detection and scene classification). Since it’s still under early development, there are many bugs, so please submit issues when you hit into any problem. This is an unofficial tutorial about how to use the library to run on some datasets. I will update ASAP to cover all the tasks and datasets. Hope it will help you.
As pip only releases wheels of MKL for python 3.7+, we need to build these wheel files for ourselves, here is a simple step to build from source. You can insert those command line steps into your Dockerfile.
I am thrilled to announce that my work AF2S3Net is achieved 1st on both SemanticKITTI and NuScenes lidarseg benchmark (two competitive point cloud semantic segmentation benchmark for autonomous driving).
Recently working with a C++/Python mixed project: Minkowski Engine, it is build upon pybind and makefile, after some playaround, I found a way to configure it to work with CLion and remote docker. Here’s the tutorial step:
Channelwise (Depthwise) Convolution layer for a sparse tensor.
This is a tutorial about cross-compile point_labeler on Windows.
As we can see from my last post BA with PyTorch that The pixel intensity or small patch compared by direct methods is extremely non-convex, thus become a huge obstacle for second order optimizers to converge into global or even local minimals. So, in this post we are exploring the method to constrain the photometric error to be as convex as possible. Actually, with a good initialization (achieved by deep methods) the depth estimation can be very close to the ground truth.
In last post, I’ve started the trial of solving the Bundle Adjustment problem with PyTorch, since PyTorch’s dynamic computation graph and customizable gradient function are very suitable to this large optimization problem, we can easily encode this problem into a learning framework and further push the optimization results into updating the depth estimations and pose estimations in a unsupervised fashion, the true beauty of this method is it introduced more elegant mathemtics to constrain the dimensionality of manifold compared to the direct photometric warping on the whole image. Plus, the sparse structure are extremely fast even apply on cpu with limited hardware (testing on nvidia tx2, cpu only).
Since Bundle Adjustment is heavily depending on optimization backend, due to the large scale of Hessian matrix, solving Gauss-Newton directly is extremely challenging, especially when solving Hessian matrix and it’s inverse. Scale of Hessian matrix is depending on number of map points, so to this end, we can first estimate the point inverse depths and then update the poses in two stage manner, however, this requires a very good initializaiton for depth estimation, and requires a convex local photometric loss to make sure positive definite property of the Hessian.
Most of the implementation details are prone to be neglected if you only read the paper, in this pose, I’ll introduce the way DSO pick their candidate initialization anchor point hessians, and explain why the choose this stochastic gradient based initialization policy.
As in last post, I have proposed the way to slow down the conjugate gradient update on each dimension, instead, try to update part of the network can lead us faster convergence and more generalizability. Here’s the proof.
Let’s recall the last post about schur complement in estimating Hessian matrix:
Direct methods normally hold the photometric consistancy assumption, and the depth estimation from direct methods are jointly estimated with camera poses, which composite into a huge \(H\) matrix.
Before start, here’s my favorite sentences from Chinese famous philosophy book “Yi Jing”:
Several good papers about the monocular depth estimation. Supervised Depth Estimator:
(This post focus on convert pdf in English and normal fonts.) OCR is a problem that are very thoroughly explored, especially for printed documents. This post shows how to convert pdf to texts and even extract the caption from it to describe this pdf document.
As we all know DSO is a bundle adjustment in a sliding window, since BA in a whole frame history will enlarge the H matrix for Gauss-Newton to find the optimal pose estimation. Here I’m going to explore the BA basics and it’s relationship to DSO.
You may heard tons of corner detectors like Förstner corner detector, Harris methods, laplacian of gaussian, etc. Most of them are leveraging gradient of image and hessians of image to capture local features, until the recent deep learning technique which use convolution methods.
Visual SLAM is already a well defined problem and has been largely explored. Many powerful algorithms use traditional geometrical methods can achieve very high precision yet keep a reasonable speed. However, there’s still some corner left to explore…
Allocators will normally span out a whole chunk of memory that’s immediately available in heap, yet if you want to apply Intel SSE optimization to seep up your computation pipeline, allocating space without alignment will introduce endless trouble.
This post documented my experiments on VINS and ros under docker.
Build from source to install opencv 4 and compatible with conda:
This is a perfect workaround for ubuntu 18.04 user who own the 4k resolution display.
This post is about: How to remove docker images, run docker images and compose docker-compose file.
Github is slow in some region, this post helps speed up your github by set the global url configs:
pip install jupyterthemes
Then change your theme with
The biggest challenge of dso in this experiment is the low contrast problem (e.g. white sand that have the same brightness everywhere) and the in-place rotation, we have made several modification on the two occasions to make it more robust for the underwater environment.
If you are dumping data into numpy npy and later on want to use them in c++, here’s my advice: use cnpy
A simple script to remove redundent white space in a text file:
if you installed cuda yet happen to be not able to find nvcc in your terminal, just navigate to the cuda libraries to execute the nvcc for checking the versions:
Windows and ubuntu always have time zone confict due to UTC mismatch, here is a solution in ubuntu
Some random and useful notes took when I was writing extensions for DSO and it’s stereo-version. Here’s my repo that includes some well commented DSO code: dso understands
It is easy to do so, simply zip the folder with system built-in zip tool in gui, then apply the following command to split the .zip
file into multiple chunks:
An alternative way to use latex, host in local so that you can write paper without internet.
The match happened in one shot, which means the network in brain is a broadcast way, input was broadcasting towards each corner, and bouncing inside brain, eventually, those matched pattern will retain a high gain and activate the path.
Python2 and python3 conflict is headache. This post shares about how to solve this conflict.
This is tutorial for building ros kinetic with python3 from source
Input password every time is annoying, here’s a tiny script that can save your time:
cd [your git repo]
git pull "" master
In bash
you can use extglob
$ shopt -s extglob # to enable extglob
$ cp !(b*) new_dir/
where !(b*)
exclude all b*
If you happen to be using cmake library and there’s no library found in the cmake list, don’t worry, most .cmake
files are stored in /usr/share/cmake-X.X/Modules/
just manually copy those xxx.cmake file to that modules directory, then cmake will help you to locate the library path.